But at carrefour I bought cheese and nuttella and other deliciousness.
On Sunday the far more interesting day I went to the "culture and art street" of beijing with my painting class. I twas really cool we went to this famous museamish type place. I bought some art and bargined reasonably sucessfully, or atleast more sucessfully than I have in the past. I even managed to throw in the pathetic excuse of "We are Forgien exchange studens and we just want to mail presents back to America for Christmas!" It got 30 RMB knocked off of our price.
Sarah and I got duped by this lady that totally spoke english, we were walking around her shopp discussing if the paintings were paintings or just prints. Turns out they are real, and she showed us how to tell. They were just cheaper because they were painted by students.
This is a giant ink well thingy, and it is very giant. Like paint something useing it and then take a nap on it giant.
This is a guy practicing calligraphy by on the street with water, its kind of cool.
So a few weeks ago I mentioned guy with a bag of puppies selling stuff out side the market, well today I had to transfer busses there, and there was ANOTHER guy selling a bag of puppies... Observe. The guy is standing up to chase a puppy that was trying to get away.
And not only that a little ways down from him there was a Lady with a BAG OF BUNNIES.
There was also a Lady selling puppies in the crosswalk. (Which sounds weird, but in China in busy streets, not all of them, but there are underground crosswalks for padestrians instead of having crosswalks at lights. I find them much more efficent and quicker to cross the street with.
They were so cute and it was so hard to walk away from them Puppies were 40 RMB each and Bunnies were 20 RMB... That is like 6USD for puppies and 3USD for bunnies. Seriously it could live in my dorm with me and I could cuddle it and love it. Not even kidding they wouldn't care if Ihad a puppy in my room. Well my roomate might, but thats it.
This past week thanksgiving occured. Because it was not thanksgiving in China I had class. Not only did I have a class I had a midterm. This midterm was 2 hours long. It sucked. I also have class on Christmas... China hates Holidays I think... No thats a lie I get newyears off. But to fend off the fact that Christmas is going to be rather terrible with class and whatnot. I've made a paper Christmas Tree to hang on my wall...
Why yes that is a raddish ornament. And yes I painted it.